

MATTER IS ALL AROUND US Once you have read the article, answer the following questions: 1. How is matter defined? Matter is defined as... 2. What is the difference between mass and weight? Matter is a measure of the ...... while weight is a measure of ...... 3. What are the main states we can find matter? 4. Can matter change? 5. What are these changes? Just to know more about the circulatory system, read this about it and try to answer these questions: Where do arteries start their journey around the body? What's the name of the biggest artery? What's the name of the tiniest blood vessels? Where do veins arrive when they come from the body? Here you have some extra information about your nose, as part of your respiratory system. Enjoy the reading and find out these questions: Thanks to the nose you smell, breathe and... The nose has two holes to make us possible to get in and out oxygen. These holes are called... What is the SEPTUM? a. The ...


Natural Science: How paper is made Food chain Digestive System Circulatory System Solid or liquid? Non-newtonian fluids Archimedes' principle Upthrust: easy experiment. Why do some things float and other ones sink?  Bouyancy (upthrust force), to figure out the mass of an object. Simple machines Levers Pulleys Inclined planes Pollination process Here you have some people who changed human history through their discoveries and inventions. Click on each name to watch the video about their lifes and works. Marie Curie Alexander Fleming Edward Jenner Social Science: The Earth movements Sun's positions Longitude and latitude Weather and Climate  Lighting Water Types of rocks Something about minerals What do those letters stand for? Understanding the abbrevations AD and BC How to work out the century PREHISTORY Paleolithic period Neolithic period Bronze and Iron Ages Human evolution ANCIENT HISTORY The Iberia...

Here you have the vocabulary of all units this year

NATURAL SCIENCES Unit 1. Kingdoms Unit 2. Body systems Unit 3. Common Illnesses Unit 4. Matter Unit 5. Forces Unit 6. Machines SOCIAL SCIENCES Unit 1. Planet Earth Unit 2. Atmosphere, weather and climate Unit 3. Water Unit 4. Rocks Unit 5. Prehistory Unit 6. Ancient history